The technical office Amper Engineering has been operating since 2012 in Giannitsa, Greece. However, the offices activity is not limited to Central Macedonia where it is based but it serves the needs of engineers throughout Greece with the aim of expanding activities to the rest of the Balkans.
The high quality of the services that we offer, combined with immediate customer service and respect, make of Amper Engineering a pioneer in many of its business areas. The services provided by Amper Engineering are only high standard’s and this is mainly due to the excellent training and education of its engineers as well as its associates.
Low cost, consistency and quality are what make Amper Engineering technical office stand out, resulting in complete solutions consistent with the work schedule.
WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOUThe Energy Certificate or Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is the energy identity of the building or the single part of the building such as an apartment.
The Energy Certificate shows the expenses of the building or apartment in terms of heating, cooling, hot water, light and use of electricity, oil or natural gas (or other fuels) used for heating.
The Energy Certificate is issued in three cases: rent, sale and for the "SAVING AT HOME" program.
The required documents before the property's autopsy are:
Building Permits
Floor plan
Contour plan
ΚΑΕΚ certificate from the cadastre
Boiler maintenance sheet
Details of the owner - VAT number
The experience of the office in the "SAVING AT HOME" program is great because the office has been involved in many cases and has supervised several projects that participated in the program.
Read more in the program application guide and do not hesitate to contact us for any question you may have.
PROGRAM APPLICATIONOn March 9, 2019, the new Government Gazette about the photovoltaics was released.
The first thing we need to do is to check if the electricity grid in the area where we want to install the photovoltaics is free.
DOWNLOAD THE PDF (Greek)1. Land use permit by Town Planning
2. Directorate of Agriculture, on the productivity of the parcel
3. Archaeological Service that it is not in an archaeological site
The D.E.I. plan is needed in the following cases: re-installing, re-checking, reconnecting or changing a name due to user change. The supporting documents that the interested person (owner or tenant) must bring before the autopsy at the site are an old receipt of the DEDDIE and optionally the ground plan of the site.
Τι είναι το ρελέ διαφυγής ή διαρροής (αντιηλεκτροπληξιακό ρελέ);
Το ISO 9001 είναι ένα διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένο πρότυπο για τη διαχείριση της ποιότητας ....
Άρθρο 11 του νόμου για την ....
Do you have any questions? You can call us or send us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.
+30 2382027068
+30 6978485552